COVID-19 Relief Funding Allocated

United Way of Roane County awards $2,500.00 to Kid’s First Child Advocacy Center of the 9th Judicial District for Telehealth Services. These services will allow forensic interviews and therapy regarding child abuse cases to safely continue. Through donations to their COVID-19 fund, the United Way of Roane County also awarded $2,500.00 in funding to Senior Citizens Home Assistance Services (SCHAS) for their home grocery delivery services to
seniors who are at risk and most vulnerable during this time.
Thank you to all who have donated to our COVID-19 fund to help those in need! #LiveUnited

Dina Jackson, RCUW, Executive Director
Beth Catchot, LCSW, Therapist
Hannah Ridenour, LMSW, Therapist
Christine Longmire, CAC, Executive Director

COVID-19 Fund

To help those being affected  by COVID-19, whether thru loss of job or unable to get to resources in general like: food, cleaning supplies, rent/utilities, baby supplies etc. please donate by clicking the Donate tab above, put COVID-19
in the memo area so your funds are directed to this cause.
Your support will help our vulnerable and at risk populations in Roane County. 

Thank You to everyone who donated to help with the COVID-19 Fund.

Thank You to Traughber Insurance Agency and Erie Insurance Group for their donation to our COVID-19 Fund for Roane County.
It is wonderful to see our local companies come together
to help during these uncertain times.
Pictured is Paul Traughber and Dina Jackson (RCUW).

Due to the COViD-19 Virus, many people are social distanced in their homes

During this time of recommended social distance, if you have elderly neighbors or someone that has underlying health issues
please keep a check on them to see if they need anything.
Please use safe hygiene precautions such as keeping distance between you and them, wash your hands before and after a possible face to face and call us if you (they) need  services. If it is an emergency, call 911.
We just need to remember that not everyone has someone to check on them and be a support.

Unemployment and SNAP Information

Breakfast and Lunch for Children 18 years old and younger

Hands of Mercy Food Pantry

Food Pantry Hours:

Thursday – 10:00 – 12:00 pm
421 Devonia Street, Harriman, TN

Friday – 11:00 am – 12:45 pm
147 Court St, Kingston, TN 37763